AltWeeklies Wire
Addictive Flicksnew

It is an objective and well-established truth that watching The Big Lebowski four times is much better than watching it once. Some films worm their way into your head, demanding to be rewatched at 3 a.m. even though you’ve memorized every line. They are the addictive films.
Fast Forward Weekly |
John Tebbutt |
12-27-2010 |
Colin Firth's Presence Elevates Tom Ford’s Directorial Debutnew

A deeply felt and slickly polished adaptation of a novel by Christopher Isherwood, the directorial debut by designer-turned-filmmaker Tom Ford primarily succeeds as a showcase for its star. Indeed, it’s exciting to see what Colin Firth can do when he’s pushed out of his comfort zone.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jason Anderson |
01-14-2010 |
Almodóvar Gets Duplicitous With 'Broken Embraces'new

Broken Embraces is a strange little suspense film. It contains only a few strategic betrayals and outright deceptions, but a great many unspoken secrets and many lies of omission. Maybe it's too mature for the good old double-cross, but it is certainly not too subtle to include a few revelations and theatrical set pieces.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Sean Stewart |
01-14-2010 |
'Daybreakers' Blends Action with Toothy Social Commentarynew

It turns out that Daybreakers not only excels as a visceral thrill ride, but it addresses issues of human greed and short-sightedness with rare skill and originality. This is definitely a film worth seeing.
Fast Forward Weekly |
John Tebbutt |
01-07-2010 |
'The Invention of Lying' is High-Concept Done Rightnew

As a high-concept comedy, Invention gets to cover a lot of ground, from commercialism to religion and societal conventions. Fortunately, Gervais actually has insight into most of those issues, which means the film never gets overly sanctimonious.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
10-01-2009 |
'Zombieland' is Comic Goldnew

Flesh-eating monsters are still so popular that it's hardly surprising to see a comic action send-up of the genre like Zombieland. The fact that it's really damned good, on the other hand, is as welcome a surprise as a hidden cache of weapons in a post-zombie wasteland.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeff Kubik |
10-01-2009 |
Mike Tyson Documentary Is a Knockoutnew

A captivating new documentary from director James Toback looks past the Mike Tyson cliches to provide a candid and uncensored first-hand account of the boxer's life story, and speaks far louder than any of Tyson's actions ever could.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jesse Locke |
06-04-2009 |
'The Hangover' Is a Crude, Dumb Comedy--and a Hilariously Good Timenew

Like the millions of tourists who soak up the American excess of Las Vegas, The Hangover is basically just interested in having a good time. It's dumb, it's crude and if there's a flaw in its execution, it's only that it adds more to the journey than a trip this simple needs.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeff Kubik |
06-04-2009 |
Set Phasers to Awesomenew

The Star Trek reboot will delight fans and newcomers alike.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Kyle Francis |
05-07-2009 |
Doc Finds the Flaws in North America's Approach to Intellectual Propertynew

A new "open source" documentary is a look at the battle between copyright and "copyleft."
Fast Forward Weekly |
Lindsay Bowman |
03-19-2009 |
'I Love You, Man,' But This Movie Sucksnew

The cliched plot and forced comedy of I Love You, Man are better suited to Dane Cook.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Alan Cho |
03-19-2009 |
'Welcome' to a Quaint Comedynew

From an outsider's perspective, Welcome to the Sticks is a straightforward fish-out-of-water comedy, but something in this warm French comedy captured the national imagination. A third of the country went to see it in theaters, unseating Titanic as the top-grossing film ever released in France.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
02-19-2009 |
Fungi Doc Too Goofy to Alter Mindsnew

Ron Mann's Know Your Mushrooms struggles with its own identity. Too goofy and light-hearted to be genuinely interesting but too shallow and ham-handedly "stoner-friendly" to appeal to the incense and Animal Collective set, the end result is stuck in limbo.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Patrick Doyle |
02-12-2009 |
'Let the Right One In': After 'Twilight'new

In a year that may be remembered as the year of the youth vampire movie, Swedish film Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) has considerable more bite than Twilight.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Shelley Arnusch |
12-11-2008 |
'Milk' is Refreshingnew

Biopic balances mainstream Hollywood with gay politics.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Bryn Evans |
12-11-2008 |