AltWeeklies Wire

War Zones of Contentionnew

The battlefields of Iraq and Uganda don't quite get their due in Redacted and War/Dance.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  11-15-2007  |  Reviews

Comfortably Dumbnew

The directors of Southland Tales and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium like 'em big and stupid.
Washington City Paper  |  Tricia Olszewski  |  11-15-2007  |  Reviews

'Fred Claus': Ho-Ho-Humnew

Never once does this big spangly artificial tree of a movie look or smell natural.
Washington City Paper  |  Louis Bayard  |  11-08-2007  |  Reviews

'Romance and Cigarettes': Bada-Bing, Gotta Dancenew

This intentionally unglamorous romp boasts a big-name cast, a brash disregard for mainstream expectations, and one paramount insight: Real men like pussy. If the word makes you recoil, this movie isn't for you.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  11-08-2007  |  Reviews

'For the Bible Tells Me So,' 'Mr. Untouchable,' and 'Kurt Cobain About a Son': To Blur With Lovenew

Three new docs offer sincere but fuzzy portraits of homophobia, a fallen drug kingpin, and Kurt Cobain.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  11-01-2007  |  Reviews

'Wristcutters' and 'Martian Child': Another Mean Worldnew

The heroes of Wristcutters and Martian Child navigate alien turf.
Washington City Paper  |  Tricia Olszewski  |  11-01-2007  |  Reviews

'American Gangster' and 'Control': Bio Hazardsnew

Biopics on a drug kingpin and Ian Curtis expose the perils of outsize ambitions.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  11-01-2007  |  Reviews

'Provoked': Burning Lovenew

Sub-Lifetime Channel material.
Washington City Paper  |  Tricia Olszewski  |  05-18-2007  |  Reviews

'Home of the Brave': Homeland Insecuritynew

Anyone who wants a fix of bloody Iraq War actuality needn't look to this Hollywood vehicle.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  05-18-2007  |  Reviews

'Fay Grim': Fools' Errandsnew

While not as strident as its forerunner, Fay Grim is more amusing in concept than execution.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  05-18-2007  |  Reviews

Stings Like a Bnew

Grindhouse goes astray only when it stops paying tribute to trash.
Washington City Paper  |  Tricia Olszewski  |  04-13-2007  |  Reviews

Wedding Crashernew

Richly entertaining but emotionally limited -- nothing really seems to be at stake here.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  04-13-2007  |  Reviews

The Parent Trapnew

Although the film is not especially stylish or distinctive, it benefits from compelling performances and an elegantly structured script.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  04-13-2007  |  Reviews

We Hate it When Our Fens Become Successfulnew

This is one of those obsessively cinema verite documentaries that really ought to come with a study guide.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  04-09-2007  |  Reviews

Children of the Revolutionnew

As much a character drama as a political one.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  04-09-2007  |  Reviews

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