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Holiday Crashersnew

This cinematic bomb proves that not everything about Christmas is merry.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  11-15-2007  |  Reviews

Ludacris on 'Fred Claus'new

Ludacris, aks Chris Bridges, says that his previous movie roles had led producers to assume that was all he could do. "When you do a role like the guy in Hustle & Flow where you play an asshole, people will send you scripts and say, 'We want you to play this other asshole.'"
The Georgia Straight  |  Ian Caddell  |  11-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Are You Totally Sick of Vince Vaughn Yet?new

As is the case with nearly every film he's made since he stopped giving a fuck about his integrity, your capacity to sit through the madcappish holiday extravaganza of Fred Claus can likely be extrapolated from your answer to that question.
The Portland Mercury  |  Zac Pennington  |  11-08-2007  |  Reviews

'Fred Claus': Ho-Ho-Humnew

Never once does this big spangly artificial tree of a movie look or smell natural.
Washington City Paper  |  Louis Bayard  |  11-08-2007  |  Reviews

'Fred Claus': Like 'The Santa Clause,' Only Less Clevernew

I'm watching Fred Claus wondering about the cast of Paul Giamatti, Rachel Weisz, Kathy Bates, Kevin Spacey: Did they actually read this script before accepting?
San Antonio Current  |  Ashley Lindstrom  |  11-07-2007  |  Reviews

Always a Bridesmaidnew

Vince Vaughn -- the role model for every guy who ever dreamed of living in his parents' basement till he was 35 -- is Wedding Crashers' skirt-chasing master of ceremonies.
Dallas Observer  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  07-18-2005  |  Reviews

Forget Your

The film’s sour tone, unremarkable direction, and bewildering characterizations of sexuality and race will probably not hurt the comedy's charm at the box office.
Austin Chronicle  |  Kimberley Jones  |  07-14-2005  |  Reviews

Film Proves to be Uneven Rompnew

Despite loads of snappy banter provided by Wilson and Vaughn and lots of potentially slapstick situations, Wedding Crashers proves to be an uneven romp. The movie oversaturates some scenes with solid laughs and squanders other opportunities.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Carlton Hargro  |  07-14-2005  |  Reviews

Wedding Crashers Crashesnew

A dick-swingin' standout in a field of flaccid mainstream comedies, the hoped-for runaway hit Wedding Crashers actually has enough honest laughs to fill a 90-minute picture. Too bad it runs closer to two hours.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  07-14-2005  |  Reviews

Tear-Jerking Jerksnew

Wedding Crashers starts off as a sick, hilarious comedy before turning into a wannabe date movie.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  07-13-2005  |  Reviews

Meanwhile, Back at the Raunch

Wedding Crashers recalls a golden era of unapologetic crude comedy -- at least for a while.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  07-08-2005  |  Reviews

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