AltWeeklies Wire
Snooze Alarm
This film is more proof that Gael GarcĂa Bernal has the worst taste in screenplays of any currently hot actor.
Washington City Paper |
Mark Jenkins |
09-22-2006 |
Unsafe Harbor
Haven is no masterwork, but Flowers orchestrates local color and intricate melodrama with more flair than many more experienced directors.
Washington City Paper |
Mark Jenkins |
09-22-2006 |
Tags: Frank E. Flowers, Haven
Unearthly Mess
The frenetic camerawork is a convenient ploy to keep the audience from finding out that even the filmmakers don't know what the hell is going on.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-22-2006 |
Tags: John Gulager, Feast
Something Borrowed, Something Blew
Initially idealist politicians often turn corrupt -- it's probably safe to say that for many people in 2006, that idea is pretty much a given.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-22-2006 |
Kiss Off
Dorky dude takes hot chick for granted in this formulaic remake.
Washington City Paper |
Mark Jenkins |
09-18-2006 |
Tags: The Last Kiss, Tony Goldwyn
The Bleak Dahlia
Besides its few good performances, the best thing about The Black Dahlia is its lushness.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-18-2006 |
To Aaron Is Human ...
Conversations' split screen becomes something to love.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-18-2006 |
Good Grief
Foulkrod's one-sided doc is nonetheless uniformly worthy.
Washington City Paper |
Mark Jenkins |
09-18-2006 |
Code Unknown
Dick merely assumes accusations of of a "fascist" system are true and never really makes the case for them.
Washington City Paper |
Mark Jenkins |
09-18-2006 |
Lost Boy
The Wicker Man isn't so much a horror film as a skin-crawling mystery.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-08-2006 |
Tags: Neil LaBute, The Wicker Man
Shooting Stars
Somewhere along the way, this movie lost its original name, Truth, Justice and the American Way, and became Hollywoodland -- that the latter title is even more generic turns out to be entirely appropriate.
Washington City Paper |
Mark Jenkins |
09-08-2006 |
Tags: Allen Coulter, Hollywoodland
This is mindless entertainment of the most gleeful kind.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-08-2006 |
Downers and Uppers
These compelling interviews with some of the world's greatest minds about the world's sorry situation show us it's sorrier than you think.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
09-08-2006 |
Tags: Nobelity, Turk Pipkin
A Message to You, Rudy
The only marvel in this ho-hum adaptation of Papale's unlikely route to a short-lived NFL career is how often first-time director and veteran cinematographer Core drops the ball.
Washington City Paper |
Matthew Borlik |
08-25-2006 |
Tags: Ericson Core, Invincible