AltWeeklies Wire

Playing Our Culture’s Stupid Narcissism For Laughsnew

Pretty Wild, E!’s latest effort to document the strange and beautiful life forms that inhabit the least-charted latitudes of Fame, is as real as a fake boob — which is to say it’s the most accurate and illuminating depiction of how we live now currently airing on TV.
Hartford Advocate  |  Greg Beato  |  03-26-2010  |  TV

The Colony: When Big Brother Met Mad Maxnew

So, in some respects, there's reason to celebrate the arrival of Discovery Channel's new show, The Colony. For starters, it has less to do with "vote somebody off each week" competitions like Survivor and more in common with ongoing social experiments like PBS' Frontier House.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O’Leary  |  08-04-2009  |  TV

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