AltWeeklies Wire
Educating Tomorrow's Employeesnew

Bay Area community colleges use federal funding to team up with local businesses on job-training initiatives.
East Bay Express |
Michele Ellson |
07-28-2010 |
Business & Labor
Tags: Ron Dellums
Rebuilding an East Bay Manufacturing Basenew

With the collapse of the housing bubble, momentum shifts toward preservation of land suitable for light industry.
East Bay Express |
Michele Ellson |
07-06-2010 |
Business & Labor
The Sustainable Economies Law Center Wants to Help You Sharenew
Janelle Orsi's Sustainable Economies Law Center seeks to promote a more humane economy.
East Bay Express |
Bernice Yeung |
06-30-2010 |
Business & Labor
A New, Last-Minute Proposal for Former Navy Basenew
This "Plan B" to Measure B, the controversial 288-page mishmash of amendments and entitlements for what SunCal wants to build, contains the same basic plan as the increasingly unpopular ballot measure but strips out some of the city's objections to the initiative and seeks to bypass Alameda's tough density restrictions by different means.
East Bay Express |
Rin Kelly |
01-27-2010 |
Business & Labor
Workplace Labor Practices Have Become a Subspecialty for Labor Law Firmsnew

In a previous assignment, working at a wastewater facility in West Oakland, Watson kept a jar near his station so that he could urinate while on duty, rather than walk several blocks to the bathroom.
East Bay Express |
Michelle Quinn |
01-27-2010 |
Business & Labor
Taking on Amazon.comnew
Berkeley Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner wants the giant online retailers to stop cheating both California and independent booksellers.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
03-04-2009 |
Business & Labor
How Berkeley's Mayer Laboratories Won the Battle of the Thin Condomsnew

Kimono condoms has gone against the grain, marketing its condoms as being so thin and silky that they're practically not there. By doing so, the company appeals not only to women, but also to a different side of male vanity.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
11-19-2008 |
Business & Labor
Big Oil in Little Richmondnew

Back in 2004, the Chevron Corporation proposed a billion dollar "Energy and Hydrogen Renewal Project" at its 2,900-acre Richmond, Calif., refinery. Critics worry that the renovations will end up fouling the air in the already-blighted Richmond neighborhoods downwind of the refinery, and have taken up arms to halt the project's progress.
East Bay Express |
Anna McCarthy |
07-10-2008 |
Business & Labor
Harnesssing the Power of Green Jobsnew

With the help of billions in private investment and local and state government incentives, the alternative energy industry, and solar in particular, has exploded in California, resulting in thousands of new jobs in panel installation and solar cell production.
East Bay Express |
Matthew Green |
05-08-2008 |
Business & Labor
Clean Air at the Port Could Cost Small Truckersnew

As the Oakland port wades into a battle over clean air, some truckers are worried that they'll bear the brunt of the costs.
East Bay Express |
Emma Brown |
05-01-2008 |
Business & Labor
A Worker's Life Under H&R Blocknew
Tax season is over and you know how much you're getting back. Some workers at H&R Block wish they could say that about their wages.
East Bay Express |
Steve Koppman |
04-17-2008 |
Business & Labor
Oakland's Old Guard Outmaneuvers the New Mayornew
Port director Omar Benjamin wants to take authority from a commission that soon will be controlled by appointees of Ron Dellums.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
12-19-2007 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Thieving Scalawags of the Cyberseas, Meet Your Copyright-policing Nemesisnew
Gracenote has emerged as a key player in a fast-growing and lucrative niche that enables copyright cops to scour the Internet for illegal content and eradicate it.
East Bay Express |
David Downs |
04-26-2007 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Caltrans: Take It, or Leavenew
Oakland's workers for the state transportation agency say they were punished for reporting sexual harassment and race discrimination.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
03-22-2007 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Got a Cheating Spouse?new
For a price, Butler & Associates will ping 'em and sting 'em.
East Bay Express |
Lauren Gard |
03-08-2007 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor