AltWeeklies Wire

Religion Clouds Aid In Afghanistannew

The former head of Canada’s aid program in Afghanistan has expressed concern that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s religious beliefs are hampering humanitarian efforts.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  12-16-2010  |  International

Burmese Brace for Violencenew

Members of Vancouver's Burmese community have told the Georgia Straight that their country could erupt in violence at any moment.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  09-28-2007  |  International

Vancouver's Palestinians Reject Talk of 'Civil War'new

When Hamas forces took control of the Gaza Strip on June 15, headlines in the Vancouver Sun read: "New Islamic State Looms" and "Palestinian Territories Expected to Fracture" -- but what Palestinian community leaders had to say was very different.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  06-22-2007  |  International

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