AltWeeklies Wire

Woodlawn tackles mental health with rule-breaking, Pulitzer-winning 'Next to Normal'new

It's next-to-impossible to categorize Next to Normal, but here's a shot: it's a cross between a high-energy rock concert and op-ed column on psychopharmacology.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  07-16-2012  |  Performance

Cellar production short-circuits 'In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play'new

What's the buzz? Well, for starters, the San Pedro Playhouse has inserted The Vibrator Play into its Cellar (ahem), and in some ways it's a competent production of Sarah Ruhl's critically acclaimed work.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  06-19-2012  |  Theater

Spotlights Fail National Theatre in ‘Collaborators’new

The good news is that the National Theatre Live's broadcasts of selected theatrical performances — analogous to the Metropolitan Opera's popular broadcasts in HD — have now arrived in San Antonio.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  12-08-2011  |  Art

Solid Cellar Production of ‘Time Stands Still’ Seeks Proper Response to Sufferingnew

It’s easy to underestimate playwright Donald Margulies, even with his Pulitzer Prize (for the delicious Dinner With Friends) and his influential post as professor of playwriting at Yale. For starters, it’s because, on paper, his dramas might seem slender, improbably tidy, and — depending on your tastes — somewhat bourgeois: oh-so-middle-class professionals with oh-so-middle-class problems.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  10-27-2011  |  Theater

Mary Poppins Delivers Banks Children from Snootery in Stylenew

I’m not so proud as to turn up my nose at the obvious wordplay: the touring production of Mary Poppins is, like its titular nanny, practically perfect.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  10-06-2011  |  Performance

Substance-less Style Drawn Out in 1970s Flashback Xanadunew

The San Pedro Playhouse’s season opener — a musical evisceration of the 1980 cinematic stinker Xanadu — reveals a few truths.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  09-29-2011  |  Performance

A DNA Self-Portraitnew

For just $500 -- give or take a few Ben Franklins -- you can immortalize your genetic code in cyber art.
San Antonio Current  |  Thomas Jenkins  |  02-22-2006  |  Art

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