AltWeeklies Wire

Balancing gun rights with public safetynew

You don't need a Russian assault rifle to fend off a home invader or someone who's trying to rob you on the street and you most certainly do not need thousands of rounds of ammunition in order to do so.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  12-20-2012  |  Commentary

Absentee lies, satellite dreamsnew

The 2012 election presents a restrictive environment for Indiana's electorate.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  09-26-2012  |  Commentary

Taking the radical right to the furthest extremenew

The Romney-Ryan ticket is a middle finger directed at the 99 percent ...
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  09-05-2012  |  Commentary

Pussy Riot's punishment ominous omennew

Russia's response to dissent is heavy handed, but our national tendency to blacklist people who make controversial statements also betrays our principles of freedom of expression.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  08-23-2012  |  Commentary

Romney's record will hurt himnew

With less than 100 days until the presidential election, the public opinion polls would have us believe the race is close, that Romney is neck and neck with Obama. I'm not so sure.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  08-02-2012  |  Elections

Extreme heat fuels mercurial moodsnew

The summer of 2012 is hungry for blood.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  07-06-2012  |  Science

A Return to Un-United Statesnew

While much of the United States will spend Independence Day drinking, grilling burgers, using illegal fireworks or all of those things, I'll be thinking about the Supreme Court.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  06-27-2012  |  Commentary

Losing Lugarnew

The radical right reflect poorly on the rest of us.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  05-17-2012  |  Commentary

Hammer: King's legacy needs tendingnew

For all of our progress, Indianapolis is still a deeply segregated city. And King's spirit is alive among us, imploring us to stay on task.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  04-05-2012  |  Commentary

Super Bowl Post-Mortemnew

Odds favor your paycheck being the same after the Super Bowl as it was before.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  02-08-2012  |  Sports

Welcome to Indy! Now please go

We are the drones who must endure your invasion and somehow survive it.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  02-01-2012  |  Travel

A Local's Guide to the Super Bowlnew

The influx of tourists screwing up your commute? Have fun by answering visitors' questions in the most obtuse way possible - they're Patriots fans, for God's sake!
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  01-27-2012  |  Travel

The Meaning of Dr. King Daynew

It's worth your while to take a few moments to reflect on the legacy of this remarkable man who endured such suffering... We owe him immensely.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  01-11-2012  |  Commentary

The Ballad of Herman Cainnew

For commentators and comedians, Herman Cain was a gift that kept on giving.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  12-07-2011  |  Elections

Fear and Loathing at Lucas Oilnew

In another city the Colts' misfortune would cause headlines of outrage, demands of immediate change; but in Indianapolis it brings hope for our future.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  11-16-2011  |  Sports

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