AltWeeklies Wire

Profs Study Hipster Migration & Other Urban Phenomenanew

Dan Silver, Lawrence Rothfield and Terry Nichols Clark have recently completed a groundbreaking study on just what it takes to create a "scene," whether it be bohemian or otherwise.
Chicago Newcity  |  Sean Redmond  |  01-09-2008  |  Housing & Development

Kanye West Raps on His Foundationnew

In an effort to perhaps replace the currently reigning image of himself as egocentric extraordinaire, West has developed his own institution, whose central program works to bring hip-hop curricula and music-production classes to schools.
Chicago Newcity  |  Sean Redmond  |  09-05-2007  |  Music

Dan Deacon Leads the Future Shock Scenenew

Deacon and his Baltimore cohorts create kaleidoscopic works of rainbow-colored, ADD-addled brilliance, taking the last twenty years of pop culture and mutating it into something wonderfully familiar and yet decidedly new.
Chicago Newcity  |  Sean Redmond  |  09-05-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Stereo Total's Quirky Pop Aestheticnew

Francoise Cactus and Brezel Goring have been exploring trans-European sound for over a decade now.
Chicago Newcity  |  Sean Redmond  |  08-29-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Trouble with Transhumanistsnew

Boldly going where no man's gone before -- TransVision 2007.
Chicago Newcity  |  Sean Redmond  |  08-01-2007  |  Art

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