AltWeeklies Wire
Remembering Rev. Louis Colemannew
"I can't think of a time I didn't know Louis Coleman," says Raoul Cunningham, president of the Louisville NAACP. The pair grew up together and while Cunningham says he participated in Louisville's sit-in movement as a teenager in the 1960s, Coleman didn’t join the civil rights movement until later in life.
LEO Weekly |
Phillip M. Bailey |
07-14-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Will the Campus Gun Bill Stay Loaded?new
Presently, Kentucky law allows universities to ban firearms on their campuses. From UK to Centre College, university officials have publicly opposed House Bill 114, which would allow a person to keep a firearm — and use it if he feels threatened — in his vehicle while parked on campus property.
LEO Weekly |
Phillip M. Bailey |
02-04-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
Vacancy May Weaken ACLU-KY This Legislative Sessionnew
Director search is almost over, but organization remains short-staffed.
LEO Weekly |
Phillip M. Bailey |
01-07-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties