AltWeeklies Wire

Silver City Express Takes Film Stars Around Coloradonew

John Sayles' new film, laden with Colorado political lore, is the first made in the state in many years. Westword editor Patricia Calhoun accompanies the director, actor Kris Kristofferson, cartoonist Tom Tomorrow and others on a promotional bus tour.
Westword  |  Patricia Calhoun  |  09-16-2004  |  Movies

Fingered Prince: You Can't Keep a Good Con Man Downnew

Four years ago, man claiming to be the billionaire nephew of the late Shah of Iran lived high at others' expense, costing a Denver man his inn. The con man is now out of the lockup and looking to buy a penthouse.
Westword  |  Patricia Calhoun  |  09-10-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Underwear Underscored in Recent Colorado Casesnew

Both the JonBenet and Kobe Bryant cases look in the laundry for truth, focusing on mystery DNA in panties.
Westword  |  Patricia Calhoun  |  09-07-2004  |  Crime & Justice

FBI Agent Sounds Off About Raid on Nuclear Weapons Plantnew

Jon Lipsky, the FBI agent who led a 1989 raid on Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapon Plant, is now concerned about contamination of the site, which is supposed to be turned into national wildlife refuge. He spoke to the editor of Westword but had to cancel a press conference after he got a call from the FBI telling him he's not allowed to discuss the case.
Westword  |  Patricia Calhoun  |  08-19-2004  |  Crime & Justice

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