AltWeeklies Wire
'Rock Band 2' Keeps it Rollingnew

No need to double-check your calendar -- Rock Band 2 really is available only 10 months after the release of the original.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
10-02-2008 |
Video Games
Tags: video games, Rock Band 2
The Politics of Video Gamesnew
Violent video games don't really turn players into criminals, but their defenders do have a duty to confront the controversies they create.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
04-24-2008 |
Video Games
Tags: violence, video games
Six ... and 'Zero'new
Somebody at Namco must have lost track of how many Ace Combat sequels there were, thrown up his hands, and decided the hell with it -- I'm going with number zero!
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
05-11-2006 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Video Games for 2006new
Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Revolution are both slated to launch in 2006, though specific release dates -- like many pertinent details about the systems -- have yet to be disclosed.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
12-30-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Power of Attorneynew
Phoenix Wright isn’t a cyborg attorney from the future, or an attorney cum hitman. He’s a regular defense lawyer, and he instantly becomes one of the most engaging video-game protagonists to date.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
12-12-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Sweet Sorrownew
Sony's Shadow of the Colossus is no ordinary game -- it's art.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
11-08-2005 |
Video Games
Come Out and Plaaaay…new
Don't trash your aging hardware just yet. Even though this fall could mark the last hurrah for the current generation of video-game systems, some of the freshest titles yet are due to be released for PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
09-23-2005 |
Video Games
Midnight Club 3: DUB Editionnew

Midnight Club returns with even more under the hood.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
05-04-2005 |
Video Games
Lickety-Split: TimeSplitters Future Perfect Is Fast-Paced Funnew
Along with evil robots and bug-eyed extraterrestrials, time travel is one of the primary go-to subjects for science fiction that’s light on the science and heavy on the fiction. The slick new TimeSplitters Future Perfect is no exception.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
04-20-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
The Contender: Fight Night Round 2 Brings Itnew
Fight Night does a lot of things well, none more so than capturing the bone-crunching hits of professional boxing. This isn't a gleeful, Punch-Out-style interpretation of pugilism – it's a gritty and mimetic experience that emphasizes aerosolized blood and spit as much as ducking and weaving.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
03-11-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Get Your Kicks: FIFA Street Pumps up the Beautiful Gamenew
What makes FIFA Street enjoyable, though, is that unlike the other Street games, the moves these players execute are very nearly possible in real life. In fact, you see them often in real soccer games (though certainly not to this degree, and never strung together in the orgy of tricks, headers, and bicycle kicks FIFA Street provides).
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
03-09-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Surprisingly, Game Onnew

Video games are as susceptible as any medium to the winter doldrums. The year 2005 is different. Never before have we seen a glut of top-shelf titles so soon after Christmas.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
02-28-2005 |
Video Games
Fallen Star: A Schizophrenic Star Fox Disappointsnew
Star Fox: Assault is baffling -- a game that seeks to undermine itself at every turn. Those aspects of the game based solely upon the franchise's rail-shooter roots can be almost deliriously fun; as for nearly everything else, well, how many synonyms are there for "disaster"?
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
02-28-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Darkness Falls: Leave Uwe Boll's Latest Video Game Adaptation Alonenew
Alone in the Dark, the movie, has very little to do with Alone in the Dark, the game. But whereas the game drew on film noir and the faceless horrors of H.P. Lovecraft to create an ominous atmosphere, the movie seems primarily inspired by Boll's sense of self-satisfaction.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
02-08-2005 |
Tags: Uwe Boll, Alone in the Dark
Permanent Resident: Resident Evil 4 is an Instant Classicnew
Resident Evil 4, the first true sequel in the series since 1999's Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, is not only the best survival horror game ever made -- it completely reinvents the form.
Boston Phoenix |
Mitch Krpata |
01-21-2005 |
Video Games