AltWeeklies Wire
Not All Lubes Are Created Equalnew

And nine other considerations for the sexually active.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
07-17-2012 |
Tags: Sex Tips
‘I'm not going to have sex with you'new

I don't always tell guys that before I come over, but when I do, I mean it.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
07-03-2012 |
Summer Romance FAILnew

Everyone deserves a summer romance
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
05-31-2012 |
Fit to be tiednew

As Fifty Shades of Grey has proven, it's fun to do bad things
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
05-03-2012 |
Q&A: On Vulvodynia with Laura Higginsnew

Learn more about how physical therapy can help with vulvodynia and other chronic vulvic pain.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
04-19-2012 |
Write your own happy endingnew

Do women have a double standard about the male orgasm?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
04-13-2012 |
Happy Steak and Blowjob Day!new

Celebrate with these recipes for steak and, uh, you know.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
03-08-2012 |
Previewing Furry Weekend Atlantanew

The warm, cuddly truth about sex and furrydom.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
03-01-2012 |
Can Hypnosis Bring You to Sexual Climax?new

Let's order quesadillas and find out.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
02-23-2012 |
Why I (Usually) Date White Guysnew

Because even though I'm Puerto Rican, I grew up in a house with Sinatra and Joy Division.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
02-16-2012 |
Tags: Atlanta dating, interracial dating
Leave Open Marriages Alonenew

So long as two people set the ground rules early, an open relationship can work.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
02-09-2012 |
Learning to Love My Big Assnew

Why, for the first time in a long time, I'm not on a New Year's diet.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
01-19-2012 |
Tags: body image, Jennifer Lopez's ass
The question remains: 'Are you shaved?'new

HuffPo is wrong: It's not a passe question, it's an eternal one.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
01-12-2012 |
The Madonna-Whore-Lawyer Conundrumnew

Some good girls do, and some bad girls don't. Either way, we love to label them.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
12-22-2011 |
Let's Talk About Sex: Is Atlanta Uptight?new

Our new sex columnist wonders if the city is willing to open up for her new column, Are You Shaved?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
12-15-2011 |