AltWeeklies Wire

Healing Wisconsinnew

For those of us who love Wisconsin, this has been a gut-wrenching 16 months. We have seen family members become bitter enemies as they feel forced to choose sides while the state goes through extreme political changes.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis  |  06-04-2012  |  Commentary

Clearing Up Myths About the Stimulus Packagenew

Obama critics advocate the same policies that created this disaster.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis and Lisa Kaiser  |  02-06-2009  |  Commentary

Mr. Jobs: Investment Board Head Discusses Milwaukee's Efforts to Create Employmentnew

When Donald Sykes took over the Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board in 2007, he had decades of experience in training new workers. Now Sykes faces the worst job losses in the United States since 1945, including large layoffs in our area, and a shaky employment future.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis and Lisa Kaiser  |  01-23-2009  |  Economy

Mark Weisbrot on the Media's Misleading Latin American Reportingnew

Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C., is considered to be one of the leading experts on the Venezuelan economy and the reforms of President Hugo Chavez. Weisbrot was in town last week to discuss American media's coverage of progressive changes in Latin America, coverage that he claims is misleading.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis  |  06-20-2008  |  International

Congressman Paul Ryan's 'Roadmap for America' Is a Dead Endnew

Unlike many in Congress, Ryan at least is putting the energy into laying out a plan. But fresh thinking it is not. Unfortunately, Ryan's road map is the same old far-right-wing agenda that has been promoted by conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and Club for Growth.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis  |  06-13-2008  |  Politics

Tribute to Martin Luther King

We have made progress, but we are not close to the mountaintop.
Shepherd Express  |  Louis Fortis  |  01-18-2008  |  Race & Class

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