AltWeeklies Wire

Solitary confinement: Bad for chimps, OK for humans?new

A very popular bill now moving through Congress bans solitary confinement for chimpanzees and other great apes. But what about people?
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  08-24-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Torture in Maine's Prisonnew

AltWeeklies Award - News Story -- In-Depth
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Stabbed in the Backnew

Maine prison officials reward a samaritan inmate by endangering his life.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  09-13-2007  |  Crime & Justice

A Supermax 'Graduate'new

A mentally ill man fresh out of the Maine State Prison's Supermax killed three people in a botched robbery in New Hampshire -- he says he got no help in prison, Maine prison officials say they did nothing wrong, and the governor blames the killer.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  07-11-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Maine Prison Bosses Violate Court Ordersnew

The Maine Department of Corrections is violating at least two of three 35-year-old federal court orders that grant prisoners access to the press, allow them to write to newspapers, and prohibit prison officials from arbitrarily transferring prisoners out of state if they exercise their rights.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  06-29-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Maine Inmate Sues Prison Officials in Federal Courtnew

The case could be important in preserving the media's access to prisons and inmates.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  05-18-2007  |  Civil Liberties

The Governor's 'Political Prisoner'new

Governor John Baldacci's administration sent the Maine State Prison's chief human-rights advocate, inmate Deane Brown, to a dangerous prison more than 500 miles away.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  11-22-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Feds Raid Pacifist Organizationnew

If you'd like to enliven your dull party, federal agents appear to be eager to conduct raids or searches, especially if the location is a known hangout for people of the left-wing, pacifist, resource-sharing persuasion.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  11-17-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Roll Your Ownnew

Under Maine's campaign-finance system, Clean Election candidates get screwed.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  10-26-2006  |  Politics

Hunger Strike at Supermaxnew

A spate of attempted and threatened suicides at the notorious maximum-security state prison in Warren, Maine prompted restrictions on inmates that have provoked a hunger strike.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  10-19-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Out in the Coldnew

With nearly $30 million to spend on heating oil for poor people this winter, you'd think the Maine State Housing Authority would have bargained a pretty good price with the oil dealers, right?
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  02-16-2006  |  Policy Issues

Torture in Maine's Prisonnew

The maximum-security, solitary-confinement facility inside Maine State Prison is meant to be a place for prisoners who are threats to others. Testimony from six prisoners and a videotape prove it's a place where inmates are mistreated.
Portland Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  11-14-2005  |  Crime & Justice

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