AltWeeklies Wire

Horrific Hilaritynew

These horror films were never meant to be funny... but they are.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  10-24-2012  |  Movies

Chatting with a childhood hero, Lou Ferrignonew

Since there was no CGI back then, the producers turned to a real-live human being to play the Hulk. That human being was none other than Lou Ferrigno, a former Mr. Universe winner. Needless to say, when kids thought of the show, it wasn't the trickling piano or Dr. Banner's love for thumbing rides, but the moments when the green guy would tear da club up.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  05-04-2012  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Human Centipede II is a Meta-Sequel that Doesn’t Say Anythingnew

Shot in stark black and white, the film starts out on macabre ground: There is a dumpy, bug-eyed parking garage security guard named Martin, who does his job while engaging in his favorite hobby, watching Human Centipede for the 189th time on his computer.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  10-20-2011  |  Reviews

The Last Circus' Killer Clowns Represent Something Deepernew

When one of the film's clowns announces, "If I weren't a clown, I'd be a murderer," it becomes clear that we're in for an episode of Clowns Gone Wild with a tinge of political allegory.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  09-29-2011  |  Reviews

'Rubber' Doesn't Live Up to its Creepy Expectationsnew

On the surface, Rubber seems like an homage to Roger Corman B-movies, but as it progresses, it becomes apparent that it is something else.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  04-20-2011  |  Reviews

I Saw the Devil Adds a Layer Beneath the Bloodnew

In the first minute of the film, the audience is thrust headfirst into a snowy landscape as a discomforting stranger offers a stranded motorist a ride.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  03-30-2011  |  Reviews

A Gay Old Timenew

Phillip Morris is more than a homoerotic Catch Me If You Can.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  01-05-2011  |  Reviews

Check Out These Off-The-Grid Horror Filmsnew

With Halloween all up in here this weekend, there are times one may not be able, physically or mentally, to do the going-out stuff.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  10-27-2010  |  Reviews

Valhalla Rising is Visual and Violentnew

Beauty in blood.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  09-08-2010  |  Reviews

Unfamiliar Facesnew

Todd Solondz revisits old characters in Life During Wartime.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kevin Young  |  08-25-2010  |  Reviews

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