AltWeeklies Wire

Clever and Stupidnew

Vaughan broadens an already somewhat loose definition of MacGyverism to encompass "acts of improvised genius, period."
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  12-08-2006  |  Nonfiction

Bearable Lightness

When an album's title is its only major misstep, well, that's something to be happy about.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  11-03-2006  |  Reviews

Sand Trap

Isolation is palpable.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  09-18-2006  |  Reviews

Solo Debuts for Drummies

O'Reagan's solid songwriting and willingness to play with sound help his album avoid alt-country cliche.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  07-28-2006  |  Reviews

Shtick Shift

Though previous Smog albums have hardly shied away from darker subject matter, Another Fine Day just seems to cut a little deeper.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  07-28-2006  |  Reviews

Wall That Jazz

Mahanthappa and Iyer divide their disc nicely between East and West.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  06-16-2006  |  Reviews

Hack in Black

Miller's new album is less consistent than his last, but musically at least, a little bit bolder.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  04-17-2006  |  Reviews

Phair Game

The best tracks on It's a Game stamp their themes into your brain by attaching them to big ol' hooks.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  01-13-2006  |  Reviews

Top O the Mourning

Though there are plenty of potentially bright, brisk sounds thrown in, the results don't often come across that way on this disc.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  01-13-2006  |  Reviews

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