AltWeeklies Wire
The Holiday A&E Top 10new
This is the Holiday Guide to get you through the season.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Felicia Feaster, Curt Holman, Heather Kuldell, Mosi Reeves and David Lee Simmons |
11-30-2006 |
Tags: 2006gift, Holiday Guide
Icelandic Idiosyncrasiesnew
Iceland has got to be a weird place, if only because it gave the world the Sugarcubes and then Bjork.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
03-10-2006 |
Tags: Live Zabor, The Sugarcubes
Dating Himself Into a Cornernew
Greenwald’s either crafted a nifty pop-culture time capsule or an already dated nod to modern life.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
03-10-2006 |
Tags: Andy Greenwald, Miss Misery
This flick about four foxy crime-fighters attending spy college is campy enough to be bad, but it's not bad enough to be campy.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
03-24-2005 |
Tags: Angela Robinson, D.E.B.S.
Tough Guy Is No Match for Unruly Kidsnew

As we learned in Kindergarten Cop, a tough guy is no match for unruly kids, and unruly kids are no match for a tough guy's discipline. C'mon, everybody, let's hug.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
03-10-2005 |
Tags: Adam Shankman, The Pacifier
Nuts and Bolts Revoltnew
Robots' animators obviously paid meticulous attention to detail, from the dents and rust stains on the robots to the rivets in the buildings, but they deflated the film by using a stock "small-town dreamer goes to the big city" plot.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
03-10-2005 |
Tags: Chris Wedge, robots
Hollywood Product: Cinematic Equivalent to Lump of Coalnew
Based on John Grisham's Skipping Christmas, the movie could gain some depth by revealing characters' motivations the way the book does instead of using dialogue simply as a break between slapstick bits.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
12-02-2004 |
Hollywood Product: Sponge Delights Adults and Kids Alikenew
Quippy snippets about the sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea include flesh factor (just about every character is seen in their underwear), cameo (David Hasselhoff) and best line ("You're a knuckle-headed spaz-a-tron").
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
11-26-2004 |
Cartoon Network's Programs Appeal to Hip, Humor-Hungry Insomniacsnew
Cartoon Network used to be the unlikeliest place on basic cable to see a decapitation. Or a nipple. Or hear a curse word. But that was before Adult Swim.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Curt Holman and Heather Kuldell |
11-11-2004 |
Tags: TV
The Watcher: Men Dressed as Women Guarantees Laughsnew
Contestants struggle to master the most superficial aspects of being a woman -- from dealing with bras, walking in heels, planning a wedding, and being a bridesmaid. If the show were called "She's A Guy," girly-girl contestants would undoubtedly learn how to throw a football, barbecue and scratch their balls.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
10-21-2004 |
Tags: TV
Now You Can See the Last Two Episodes of 'Greg the Bunny'new
Despite some freakishly loyal viewers, the Fox sitcom "Greg the Bunny" was canceled before its last two episodes aired in 2002. Not a network to lose out on merchandising opportunities, Fox Home Entertainment releases the complete series on DVD ($26.98) Oct. 19.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
10-14-2004 |
Tags: TV
Dude, Where's My Patch?new
Cold Turkey producers duped 10 chain-smokers by promising each a chance at their dream reality show. But the premiere show Oct. 3 revealed the contestants' real challenge: They must quit smoking using only willpower.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
10-07-2004 |
Tags: TV
Sky Captain Needs Work on Charactersnew
The soft-focus, Technicolor-inspired footage offers an incredibly lush fantasy world, but filmmakers fell into the Star Wars prequel trap by paying so much attention to the digital effects that they forgot to work on the slow-moving story and undeveloped characters.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
09-15-2004 |
The Wire Earns its Critical Acclaimnew
Each episode moves up and down the chain of command of both organizations, from junkies and street-corner pushers to Baltimore's most powerful elected leaders.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
09-15-2004 |
Film Looks at Mexican-Americans Soldiersnew
Most recent documentaries examine the politics of war rather than look at the people who actually fight. But filmmaker Charley Trujillo opens "Soldados: Chicanos in Viet Nam" (PBS, Aug. 31, 10 p.m.) with a story about picking cotton with his parents after he returned from the Vietnam War.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Heather Kuldell |
08-26-2004 |
Tags: TV