AltWeeklies Wire
Prosecutors Weigh In on a Bill Would Make Child Neglect a Felony in Marylandnew

Lisae Jordan can tell stories about child abuse and neglect that would make most people's stomachs churn. Children tied to chairs by parents and not allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. Kids locked in closets during the day.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
03-16-2010 |
Children & Families
Health-Care Practitioners Explain Why They're Willing to Go to Jail for Health-Care Reformnew
As the discussion about health care has shifted from coverage for all citizens to a system that will force people to purchase private health insurance (without the "public option") pockets of unlikely activists are mobilizing.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
02-09-2010 |
Using Restorative Justice Techniques to Deal with Crime in Baltimorenew
The Community Conferencing Center is a Baltimore organization that uses conferencing, a process similar to mediation--but with certain key differences--to resolve disputes.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
06-02-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Al Jazeera English Could Change The Way You See The Worldnew

That is, if you ever get to watch it. Because even though it has a large and active bureau in Washington, and it's available in most other English-speaking nations in the world outside of North America, no major cable or satellite carriers in the United States includes the channel.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
05-13-2008 |
Vote for Change in Baltimorenew

We're not trying to tell you what to do, just do something to move away from the Baltimore that voter apathy built.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
11-06-2007 |
The Green Party Struggles To Grow In Baltimorenew
Why are Maria Allwine and Bill Barry the only Baltimore Greens out on the stump this year?
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
10-30-2007 |
One Baltimore Family's Life on the Streetnew
Nowhere to go but out, nowhere to come but back.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
04-24-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development