AltWeeklies Wire

How to Be a Hollaback Girlnew

To be a NFL cheerleader you don't have to be thin, tan and busty. Well, actually, you do.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  08-18-2008  |  Sports

How a Local Plumber Became One of Tennessee's Most-wanted Bootleggersnew

The Alcoholic Beverage Commission swooped in on a stunned Randy Piper at the two cramped souvenir shops he runs in Lynchburg's sleepy town square. He doesn't know what they expected, but he does know what they confiscated: nearly $600,000 worth of his whiskey collection.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  05-30-2008  |  Food+Drink

Tennessee Takes Small Step to Protect Special Ed. Students from Seclusion and Restraintnew

Disability advocates who have spent more than a year trying to convince state legislators about the troubling fact that special education students are being physically restrained, strapped to chairs and locked in janitor closets hit a small landmark last week as the state Senate passed a bill to address a growing problem in classrooms across the state.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  05-02-2008  |  Education

Runaway Trainnew

Alleged rapes, beatings and now a suicide attempt at a youth treatment facility in Tennessee.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  02-29-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Baptism by Firenew

For a group so hell bent on the notion that they are doing all they can to address how the Southern Baptist Convention deals with clergy abuse, they certainly aren't doing much to get the word out about what changes are in the works.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  02-25-2008  |  Religion

What Would Jesus Say?new

Churchgoers are asking for protection against clergy sex abuse, but the Nashville-based Southern Baptist Convention says there's little it can do to fend for the flock.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  02-14-2008  |  Religion

Tenn. Lets Sketchy Youth Treatment Center Off the Hooknew

The state continues to license the Chad Youth Enhancement Center, where two have died and many others have been abused.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  11-09-2007  |  Children & Families

Fisk University's Folliesnew

How the university tried to unload a Georgia O'Keeffe painting and almost lost a bundle in the process.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  04-13-2007  |  Art

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