AltWeeklies Wire

Breaking the Cycle of Homelessnessnew

It's expensive and time-consuming, but a court can help cure the hard-core homeless problem in San Francisco.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  08-08-2007  |  Policy Issues

Pot Activists Hate the Traitorsnew

This spring, as the second federal trial against pot guru Ed Rosenthal approached, medical marijuana activists went on a bullying campaign to keep witnesses from testifying against Rosenthal by whatever means necessary.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  06-06-2007  |  Drugs

Burnt Chefsnew

Former admissions representatives at the California Culinary Academy say they preyed on students' dreams of becoming celebrity chefs and glossed over the painful economic realities of the industry.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  06-06-2007  |  Education

San Fran's Mayor Says He Won't Help Bush's Crackdown on Illegal Immigrantsnew

But why is the city still getting money from the feds then?
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  05-02-2007  |  Immigration

Natural Coolnew

Workers at San Francisco's new "green" federal building endure temperature extremes due to buggy system.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  04-26-2007  |  Environment

What Makes Canines Go Crazy?new

The Canine Behavioral Genetics Project thinks the answer is in their genes.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  03-09-2007  |  Animal Issues

That Is Highnew

Medical marijuana smokers face a 1,000-percent increase in cost of a California ID card.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  02-12-2007  |  Science

Bounty Huntednew

A man who pursued illegal immigrants for deportation found himself handcuffed by the feds and accused of impersonating a federal agent.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  02-02-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Don't Book 'Emnew

A new San Francisco library program tries to gently ease the homeless problem out the door.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  12-28-2006  |  Policy Issues

Green Like Menew

Is PG&E's new ad campaign in San Francisco just more greenwashing?
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  12-22-2006  |  Environment

Mother's Worknew

Some working moms face job discrimination, while others encounter barriers to success -- they're all potential activists for the new grass-roots group, MomsRising.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  12-11-2006  |  The War on Women

Amazonian Quagmirenew

Big Oil, the rainforest and sticky legal issues are mired in a San Francisco courtroom.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  11-17-2006  |  Business & Labor

Lust for Lifenew

The testing of a promising HIV vaccine requires volunteers who will couple for the cause.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  07-31-2006  |  Science

The Tide Is Highnew

Tidal power in San Francisco has been declared officially feasible.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  06-19-2006  |  Environment

The Asylum Trapnew

Unscrupulous attorneys often prey on immigrants seeking green cards -- now 29 Mexicans have joined the disbarment case against one such lawyer.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  05-15-2006  |  Immigration

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