AltWeeklies Wire
The Lost Gospels of Julia Child
"At the risk of damnation when I'm dead,
just what the hell is Ezekiel bread?"
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
05-11-2006 |
Piddles, Not Pillsnew
Some might find it hard to swallow that a wee group of urine drinkers are coming out of the water closet, but the leak has now become a steady stream as more and more home brewers begin filling up on the void.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
03-23-2006 |
Let's Get Crackin': Your Knuckles and Arthritisnew
An inquiry reveals that chronic knuckle-cracking is unlikely to lead to arthritis, although it can lead to joint stretching, chronic inflammation and possible hand weakness.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
12-01-2005 |
Mr. Bubble, Meet The Sandman: Epsom Saltsnew
It's now clear to me why Martha Stewart has become so rough, swollen and crabby -- prisons only have showers.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
12-01-2005 |
Clearing the Air: Ionizers and Ozonenew
Drummed out of the cancer cure corps due to non-performance, ozone has risen again like an air-cleaning phoenix.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
11-18-2005 |
Precious Purple Potions: Mangosteen Juicenew
The mangosteen has much in common with a former FEMA director: a padded resume and a short list of accomplishments.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
11-10-2005 |
Hop on Pop: Soft Drinks and Bone Lossnew
One known effect of carbonation is that it speeds the absorption of alcohol into the blood, which makes your gin and tonic more helpful in producing a big tip for the waitress.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
11-04-2005 |
Consider it Liquid Sushi: Fish Oilnew
The mention of cod liver oil reminds many people of the indignity of forced childhood feedings that their grandparents are still grousing about.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-29-2005 |
Indian-Style Hot Pretzels: Bikram Yoganew
Except for the usual, mildly over-reaching claims of curative power that affect all styles of yoga, Bikram and other types might actually understate their benefits.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
Fitness in Ten Thousand Easy Steps: Pedometersnew
A vacuum cleaner or liposuction might have been a more insulting birthday gift than a pedometer, but at least they cost more than 20 bucks.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
The Night Before Pill: Hangover Pillsnew
Hangovers, it seems, are nature's way to find an audience for The Price is Right.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
Tags: alcohol, alternative medicine, Supplements, drinking, Herbal, Chaser, hangovers, Morning After
Get out the Bloat Campaign: Eight Glasses of Water?new
When figuring the total water you have in a day, don't forget to include the amount you chew. For example, a medium apple is about 86 percent water.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
Just Nuke It: Microwave Ovensnew
The first microwave the columnist can remember his family having was among the first ever made. It was probably a walk-in model, and weighed slightly more than both his parents put together.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
Fire One Up: Ear Candles
From its mysterious, ancient roots, ear candling (or coning) probably inspired the very first people on earth to remark: “Your village called; they’re missing their idiot.”
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
Popeye’s New Can Isn’t Spinach: Energy Drinks
The only drawback this caffeine-addicted health advice columnist sees to his daily pot of espresso is having to erase all the exclamation points after every first draft.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |