AltWeeklies Wire

Benefits of Locally Sourced Foods Short-Sold by '10,000-Mile Diet' championsnew

"If our modern food system is so bad for us, why do we now enjoy dramatically longer and healthier lives than our ancestors?"
San Antonio Current  |  Ari Levaux  |  08-23-2012  |  Books

'10,000 Apples' Is Energizing and Intelligentnew

St. Louis MC Gotta Be Karim recently relocated to Atlanta, and he brought his brand of gritty, inventive, underground rhymes with him. On 10,000 Apples he gives listeners a primer on his style.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Ben Westhoff  |  06-03-2009  |  Reviews

Looking Back at the First Half of '08 in Filmnew

For this midyear report card, I had a hard time making a list of the best films thus far, because we've only had a few great ones. As for stinkers, the problem I had was figuring out what to cut from an ever-growing list of garbage.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  07-10-2008  |  Reviews

Fitness in Ten Thousand Easy Steps: Pedometersnew

A vacuum cleaner or liposuction might have been a more insulting birthday gift than a pedometer, but at least they cost more than 20 bucks.
Boise Weekly  |  Dr. Ed Rabin  |  10-20-2005  |  Science

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