AltWeeklies Wire
'Step Brothers' is to Humor what Rape is to Sexnew
The latest Judd Apatow-produced slab of celluloid from Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly is their most blatant exercise in desperation yet.
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David Wildman |
07-24-2008 |
'Wanted': Can We Get a Believable Scenario, Please?new
If you were to remove every implausible moment from Wanted you would be left staring at a white screen.
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David Wildman |
06-26-2008 |
Tags: Timur Bekmambetov, Wanted
'Son of Rambow' is a Truly Funny Film About Identity and the Loss of Innocencenew
But there's another level to Garth Jennings' latest -- a subtle underlying theme about how foreign influences have affected the culturally isolated Brits.
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David Wildman |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: Garth Jennings, Son of Rambow
'Planet B-Boy': It's All About the Battlenew
This documentary is an effective cheerleader for its worthy subject matter, stuffed with spectacular, unforgettable performances, and will likely win you over, unless you're a cynical bastard like me.
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David Wildman |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: Benson Lee, Planet B-Boy
'21' is Not 'True' to Its Sourcenew
Luketic's film is ultimately like Vegas itself: lots of flash, but no soul.
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David Wildman |
03-27-2008 |
Tags: 21, Robert Luketic
'Married Life': A Light Romp of Love, Lust & Murdernew
Kudos to director Ira Sachs, who turned a low budget to his advantage, using only the most minimal of period set pieces and evoking the filmmaking of the target time with canny, simple camerawork and a talented cast.
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David Wildman |
03-20-2008 |
Tags: Ira Sachs, Married Life
'The Bank Job': A Well-paced, Crackling Little Filmnew
New Zealand director Roger Donaldson is a competent helmsman who too often seems to hit on crappy, not very original scripts. The Bank Job isn't going to add much to his resume, but it's not all bad.
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David Wildman |
03-05-2008 |
Tags: Roger Donaldson, The Bank Job
Oscar Autopsynew
The academy delivers the final blow.
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David Wildman |
02-28-2008 |
'In Bruges': Hitmen on Holidaynew
The presence of Colin Farrell in a film usually has a number of possible outcomes, none of them good.
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David Wildman |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: In Bruges, Martin McDonagh
'Teeth': Worse than Consequential Pre-Marital Sexnew
It's hard to decide which is more disturbing: a movie about a cock-chomping vag with a razor-sharp bite, or the fact that somebody thought making said movie was a good idea in the first place.
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David Wildman |
01-24-2008 |
Tags: Mitchell Lichtenstein, Teeth
'Lions for Lambs' Offers Bumper-Sticker Platitudesnew
The next time Robert Redford decides to make a film about Iraq and the Bush administration, I really wish he'd run the script by me first. Or at least show it to Joe, the bum that hangs out in front of Starbucks. Or my cat Pearl. Because any of the above could easily have told him that this well intentioned muddle of mediocrity misses the mark by a mile and half.
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David Wildman |
11-07-2007 |
Tags: Lions for Lambs, Robert Redford
'Dan in Real Life' Is Pure Evilnew

You have to see it to appreciate how awe-inspiringly awful it all is -- But wait! Don't do it!
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David Wildman |
10-24-2007 |
Tags: Dan in Real Life, Peter Hedges
Ben Affeck, Natural Director?new
It's easy to forget that Affleck won an Oscar for the Good Will Hunting screenplay. With his latest release he's rediscovered the perfect role for himself, one that he probably should have been playing all along: the guy behind the camera.
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David Wildman |
10-17-2007 |
Tags: Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone
'Michael Clayton' Marks the Start of Oscar Seasonnew
First time director/longtime screenwriter Tony Gilroy has outdone himself with this sordid tale of corrupt big-money lawyers.
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David Wildman |
10-04-2007 |
Tags: Michael Clayton, Tony Gilroy
'The Kingdom': The Middle East for Dummiesnew
The film's main fault lies in its didactic pretensions, and in wanting to be something more than it's capable of being -- at heart, The Kingdom is really just a standard little TV action show for the big screen, with decent actors and a hyperactive cameraman.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
09-27-2007 |
Tags: Peter Berg, The Kingdom