AltWeeklies Wire

Fortunately, Peter Hedges Decided Against Writing A 'Serious' Booknew

Peter Hedges’ novel The Heights is crying to be filmed. I assume it will be and I recommend everyone read it before you’re forced to buy a copy with a stupid movie tie-in cover.
New Haven Advocate  |  Eva Geertz  |  03-16-2010  |  Fiction

'Dan in Real Life' is a Bit Too Rosy for the Real Worldnew

It isn't crap, but it's about as pleasant as a movie can get without actually being any good.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Sean Burns  |  10-29-2007  |  Reviews

All in the Familynew

What passes for real life in this Steve Carell film is as genially inoffensive and predictable as the average TV sitcom.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  10-26-2007  |  Reviews

'Dan in Real Life' Is Pure Evilnew

You have to see it to appreciate how awe-inspiringly awful it all is -- But wait! Don't do it!
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  10-24-2007  |  Reviews

Got to Be Real

Dan in Real Life finds authenticity beyond its wacky movie ironies.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  10-18-2007  |  Reviews

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