AltWeeklies Wire
Pot at the State Fair?new

Could be closer than we think ... You're going to be hearing success stories about hemp farmers enhancing their incomes and saving their farms.
Kennedy's shadownew

For better or
worse, where people once wanted to be like the president, they now want the
president to be more like them.
Making Healthcare Unaffordablenew
Insurance exchanges created by those states that
chose to take the job on themselves — Kentucky, for example — have
reportedly been working pretty well.
What Republicans really wantnew
I think Republicans are motivated by a larger, overriding vision: They want all of America to be just like Indiana.
David Hoppe |
10-08-2013 |
Used bookstores at risk: the copyright trapnew
A case that recently went before the U.S. Supreme Court could put a used bookstore out of business.
Memo to Pence: Legalize itnew
Instead of photo-ops showing cops burning down stands of our artisanal cannabis, we could be featuring it at the State Fair.
Indiana versus itselfnew
America may be divided, but that division has less to do with opposing ideas about how to solve the country's problems than it does with one side's trying to resist the momentum of history.
Women in jeopardynew
If you vote Republican, you will be voting against women. It's as simple as that.
Tags: Mike Pence, women's rights
The 10 Worst College Majorsnew
A recent study in the journal Liberal Education finds that many liberal arts colleges are either changing their missions or disappearing altogether.
Smartphones and Sustainabilitynew
Smartphones are another part of the big lie we keep telling ourselves about the world we live in.
Republican Idealismnew
Republicans are idealists. They're not interested in politics. What they want is a whole new world.
David Hoppe |
09-04-2012 |
Tags: RNC 2012
A jobs program that could worknew

Too often, we think of our schools as a problem. In fact, they could be a solution encompassing generations.
David Hoppe |
08-28-2012 |
Business & Labor
Jim Irsay's blackout gambitnew
Hitting Colts Nation where it lives - on the couch.
Tea Party Dreams Onnew
Obama is at last beginning to understand the nature of his opposition: the Tea Party doesn't want to make America better, they want to change it.
David Hoppe |
05-14-2012 |
Admiring the Amishnew
Modern society tends to embrace new technologies and ask questions later. The Amish flourish with a mysterious combo of peanut butter and tech skepticism.
David Hoppe |
04-23-2012 |
Tags: Amish, technology