AltWeeklies Wire

System Failurenew

New tales of teachers being paddled and foot fetishists being promoted emerge from a troubled charter school in Ohio.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  10-18-2005  |  Education

Charter School Dashes Kids' Dreamsnew

Charter schools have been a disaster in Ohio, with students failing proficiency tests at more than twice the rate of public-school students. Even by these low standards, Cleveland's International Prep is in a class by itself.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  08-02-2005  |  Education

Skirmishes in Ohio's War on Natural Healthnew

Ski-masked cops rushed into the office of a man who claims to do mechanotherapy and arrested him for allegedly practicing chiropractic without a license. Such aggressive tactics have pushed natural-health providers underground.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  05-11-2005  |  Science

Lawsuite Puts Shopping Mall Titan on a Hot Seatnew

Business magnate Dick Jacobs' nephew has filed a lawsuit accusing his uncle of taking or misspending as much as $448 million from family trusts, much of it to prop up failed real-estate investments in downtown Cleveland.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  03-23-2005  |  Business & Labor

Enduring a Modern-Day Witch Huntnew

It's difficult for someone who's always been a "he" to find acceptance as a "she." But it's an especially difficult change to make in Salem, a conservative factory town. Making the switch around firefighters is even tougher.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  01-26-2005  |  Sex

Ultrasound Reveals Doctor's Unorthodox Viewsnew

Dr. Dinesh Shah's views about measuring the amniotic fluid on pregnant women's ultrasounds were controversial -- and may have led to a baby's death.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  12-06-2004  |  Science

Thieves Pillage HUD-Owned Homesnew

By putting the same lock on every home it repossesses in Ohio, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development seems to invite break-ins. In Cleveland, every house owned by HUD gets looted.
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Maag  |  11-08-2004  |  Policy Issues

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