AltWeeklies Wire

Life in Dark and Lightnew

Roger Ebert's life story, told in the format he loved so much, is one of the year's best films.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  07-29-2014  |  Movies

Emotions in Eirenew

Will Forte turns in a great, emotionally charged performance in Run & Jump.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  02-07-2014  |  Reviews

The Good, the Bad and the Crappynew

Our intrepid critic ponders the lineup of films scheduled for 2014 release.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  01-03-2014  |  Movies

Juxtapositions in Juareznew

Narco Cultura looks at the unique world of a music genre that glorifies violence.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  12-05-2013  |  Movies

The Problem With Piratesnew

Sure, you probably know how 'Captain Phillips' ends, but the suspense holds up anyhow
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  10-17-2013  |  Reviews

Time to Sue Your Real Estate Agentnew

The Conjuring is a somewhat frightening take on the standard family-stuck-in-a-haunted-house tale
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  07-26-2013  |  Reviews

Fracking and Feelingsnew

Matt Damon's message movie misses the mark.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  01-03-2013  |  Reviews

Bond Is a Badassnew

'Skyfall' may be the best 007 film of all time.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  11-15-2012  |  Reviews

Joseph as Brucenew

'Looper' is one of the best time-travel movies ever made.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  10-04-2012  |  Reviews

See It for the Actingnew

Despite two amazing performances, Paul Thomas Anderson's 'The Master' disappoints.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  09-29-2012  |  Reviews

Just Terriblenew

Sloppy and nonsensical, the new Resident Evil flick is one of the year's worst movies.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  09-20-2012  |  Reviews


Featuring a story within a story within a story, 'The Words' is way too convoluted.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  09-13-2012  |  Reviews

Dry Movienew

'Lawless' fails by focusing on an actor who can't rise to the level of those around him.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  09-05-2012  |  Reviews

Jonesing for Jasonnew

Matt Damon—and good writing—are sorely missed in this Bourne flick
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  08-16-2012  |  Reviews

Young Lovenew

'Moonrise Kingdom' shows Wes Anderson at his Wes Anderson best.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  06-22-2012  |  Reviews

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