AltWeeklies Wire
Benefits of Locally Sourced Foods Short-Sold by '10,000-Mile Diet' championsnew

"If our modern food system is so bad for us, why do we now enjoy dramatically longer and healthier lives than our ancestors?"
San Antonio Current |
Ari Levaux |
08-23-2012 |
Gustavo Arellano's 'Taco USA' book tour comes to San Antonio with dire warning for regional cuisinenew

Gustavo Arellano writes "Ask a Mexican," a syndicated weekly Q&A about all things, and anything, Mexican. Two summers ago I rendezvoused with The Mexican himself in Hatch, New Mexico.
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
05-11-2012 |
Hershey's and West African Child Labornew

Valentine's Day is the chocolate industry's holiday season. With an eye toward this February's annual love-fest, the International Labor Rights Forum purchased an advertising slot on a jumbotron outside the Super Bowl's Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on which to broadcast a video called Hershey's Chocolate, Kissed by Child Labor.
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
02-09-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: hersheys child labor
Nutmeggy Parsnips Provide Long-Term Benefitsnew

Parsnips are hardly a secret. Unlike celeriac or rutabaga, most have at least heard of parsnip, even if they can't remember what it looks like. The fragrant taproot that resembles an ivory-white carrot was once a big deal in the old country.
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
01-04-2012 |
Let The Pumpkins Feed You Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinnernew

Winter squash — along with turkey, eggnog, and perhaps your crazy aunt Bertha — has a place at most holiday tables.
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
11-16-2011 |
Calorie Restriction Advocates Continue to Gain Tractionnew

Given that the average American consumes more than 3,700 calories per day, and that much of it comes from junk food, some calorie restriction would probably be a good thing for many of us. But if you’re not fat, does it make sense to starve yourself from thin to bony?
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
08-26-2009 |
The Traditional Vietnamese Noodle Soup is Easy to Fake at Homenew
Pho, a brothy soup of rice noodles and beef, was created about 100 years ago in northern Vietnam. It's pronounced like "fur" without the "r," though it's often mistakenly called "faux."
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
08-06-2008 |
Save Your Haggling For the Auto Lotnew
Many shoppers rarely pause to consider a certain mathematical law of the universe: For every great deal someone gets, someone else gets shafted.
San Antonio Current |
Ari Levaux |
06-04-2008 |
Tags: farmer's market, produce
The Perfect Food Shortagenew

With the United Nations aboard the local/organic bandwagon, global agriculture and distribution systems may get an assist in a more sustainable direction.
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
05-07-2008 |
Norman the Indologistnew
Norman, sporting close-cropped hair, a puffy beard and a twinkle in his eye, relaxed on a picnic table. "Tamarind," he said, watching the kids. "That’s the secret ingredient."
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
01-23-2008 |