AltWeeklies Wire
'Hawaii's Wounded Knee': Remembering the Olowalu Massacrenew

In late January 1790, an American sea captain slaughtered more than a hundred Hawaiians there in a massacre that though largely forgotten today, was every bit as horrific as Wounded Knee.
'Transition has been Hell'new

On average, 22 veterans kill themselves in this country every day. On Jan. 18, one of them was my friend Chris. This is his story.
Possible Salmonella-Tainted Chicken for Sale in Safewaynew

Why is a Maui Safeway selling possible salmonella-tainted chicken At low, low prices?
Triumph for the Humpbacks?new

Why a Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council member wants the whales removed from the endangered species list.
Maui Time |
Anthony Pignataro |
05-17-2013 |
Tags: humpback whales
'Good Stewards of the Environment'new

The U.S. Navy insists that they can protect marine mammals from the harm caused by warships using active sonar in the waters around Hawaii. What if they're wrong?
Maui Time |
Anthony Pignataro |
06-29-2012 |
An Open Letter To Oprah Winfreynew

Offering advice on Oprah's possible decision to trade television for organic farming on Maui.
Tags: Oprah Winfrey, Oprah in Hawaii
Why Maui Police Refuse To Name Bad Copsnew

Across the country, the identities of police officers suspended for misconduct are publicly available. Not so on Maui. Here's why.
Maui Time |
Anthony Pignataro |
06-23-2011 |
Crime & Justice
'So Frustrating'new
Pacific biodiesel has earned international acclaim for its environmentally friendly fuel, but now some of its best customers are complaining about expensive engine repair bills.
Maui Time |
Anthony Pignataro |
05-04-2006 |
Tags: environment
Touring Monsanto's Secret GMO Farmnew
Monsanto is one of the world's most powerful producers of Genetically Modified foods. At a tour of one of its Hawaii seed farms, friendly company officials and scientists offer rhetoric that doesn't come close to matching reality.
Ralph Nader Descends on Mauinew
The independent candidate doesn't really make speeches--he strings together general quotes and statistics that ridicule the military and corporate power centers that run American politics today.
Why One Doctor Just Says No to Drug Reps
Noted gastroenterologist Dr. Edwin Montell believes it's unethical for physicians to have dealings with pharmaceutical company marketing representatives.
Tags: Health & Science