AltWeeklies Wire
Before the Cheesecake Factory, Arlington Was Home to Storied Punk Residencesnew

Collin Crowe, 26, the guitarist for Buildings, was among the final tenants of Kansas House, a tiny single-family home on the corner of N. Kansas Street and Wilson Boulevard that was among Arlington’s last underground art spaces.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
12-17-2009 |
Dinosaur Jr. Refines the Sound of its Heydaynew
The lackadaisical manner that characterized the band during the '80s hasn’t carried over to Farm. The songs are more expertly orchestrated, and to some extent, the tighter, more mature Dinosaur Jr. sounds strongly reminiscent of another lumbering grunge band of yore: Pearl Jam.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
06-18-2009 |
Gang Gang Dance Decimates Every Jam-Rock Cliche on 'Saint Dymphna'new

In short, it's an album of such bizarre ambition that even Bjork will have to remove her headdress of human hair, have a long look at the mirror, and worry about what to do next.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
10-31-2008 |
Tags: Gang Gang Dance, Saint Dymphna
Tussle's Still Looking For the Perfect Beatnew
Trying to sing any track from Cream Cuts, the San Francisco quartet's third full-length, without using a plosive is the kind of quasi-spiritual drum-guru pursuit to which Mickey Hart would dedicate three years of his life and an elaborate book.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
09-11-2008 |
Tags: Tussle, Cream Cuts
Hercules and Love Affair Offer a New Take on '70s House and Garagenew
Hercules and Love Affair's Andrew Butler is entirely serious about disco. His band's self-titled debut is a loving homage to the dance music of the late '70s that doesn't require a pair of platform shoes or an ironic leisure suit -- really, you just need an appreciation of New York garage and Chicago house.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
07-03-2008 |
BORIS' Latest Has a Familiar Tingenew
If Smile is any indication, the Japanese metal trio has settled the debate on what BORIS is actually supposed to sound like -- and apparently the consensus is "loud."
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: Smile
Santogold's Debut Sticks to Pop Basicsnew
The first two released songs portrayed Santogold as a hip-grinding purveyor of ambitious mutant-pop, somebody who could adeptly splice hip-hop with club rhythms and dub echoes. In other words, an M.I.A. who could sing. So it's a little shocking that Santogold is so sugary.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
05-09-2008 |
Tags: Santogold
How an Indie Rocker Became a Hardcore Reggae Boosternew

Ian Jones spent years in D.C.'s indie-rock world. Then he met Claudius Linton in Jamaica, and has since released two albums by the obscure artist.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
04-24-2008 |
Is Robert Pollard Sowing Ecological Catastrophe?new
Recently rock musicians have become more conscious of their carbon emissions than their hotel-room-smashing, Maserati-driving forebears, but Pollard is apparently not among the enlightened. He continues to emit at least three records every single year, regardless of the environmental implications.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
12-20-2007 |
Do the Tusslenew
With the exception of Lightning Bolt, Raccoo-oo-oon is about as close as New Weird America gets to a party band.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
05-18-2007 |
Simple Mindsnew
The Shins stick to their formula while staying flexible.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
01-26-2007 |
Tags: The Shins, Wincing the Night Away
Gutter Fabulousnew
Waits gives cheap sentiment the bum's rush.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
01-05-2007 |
Say What?
More angry youngsters than ever before will be able to understand what the Blood Brothers have to say -- which according to the lyrics sheet, may not be much.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
11-03-2006 |
Tags: The Blood Brothers, Young Machetes
Empire Strikes Out
Empire sounds as if it were composed on a pub napkin when the band was on bacchanalian auto-pilot during five spare minutes between a drunken brawl with Liam Gallagher and a failed pass at Kate Moss.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
09-22-2006 |
Flash Forward
Oneida's long strange trip toward focus seems to have finally come to a close.
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Leitko |
07-28-2006 |
Tags: Happy New Year, Oneida