AAN News
AAN joins amicus brief supporting access to law enforcement data

AAN was one of 13 organization who jointly filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court in a case that will determine the breadth of access to data collected by California law enforcement agencies via automatic license plate readers.
05-10-2016 11:00 am |
Legal News
It's All Journalism: Time to Bring FOIA Into the Digital Age

Kevin Goldberg, attorney for AAN and ASNE, and Rick Blum of the Sunshine in Government Initiative, talk about legislation making its way through Congress that will update the 50-year-old Freedom of Information Act.
05-06-2016 11:00 am |
It's All Journalism
AAN Members Win Big in Top of the Rockies Awardsnew

Boulder Weekly, Colorado Springs Independent, Salt Lake City Weekly, Santa Fe Reporter, and Westword all won multiple awards from the SPJ Colorado Pro chapter.
Colorado SPJ |
05-05-2016 1:00 pm |
Honors & Achievements
NOW Magazine wins Best Niche Weekly at the Niche Digital Awards

PressReader |
05-05-2016 11:00 am |
Press Releases
Voice Media Group and AdCellerant Launch Programmatic Advertising Network for Cannabis Businesses

The new service twill allow marijuana entrepreneurs to market themselves more effectively on the Internet through programmatic display advertising.
05-04-2016 3:00 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Voice Media Group
Evening Post Purchases Columbia Free Times

Evening Post Publishing Newspaper Group publishes daily and community newspapers in South Carolina, including The Post and Courier in Charleston.
05-02-2016 4:00 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Columbia Free Times
It's All Journalism: Gitmo, ISIS, Afghanistan

Walking the national security beat.
It's All Journalism |
04-29-2016 9:00 am |
It's All Journalism
Register Now for the 2016 AAN Convention in Austin

Don't miss out on the early registration rate for the 2016 AAN Convention, July 6 - 9 in Austin, Texas.
04-28-2016 2:45 pm |
Conference News
AAN joins amicus brief seeking rapid access to unsealed records
An automatic delay of press or public access to police video evidence – a delay of months, if not years – is a terrible precedent to set that is akin to no access at all.
04-25-2016 10:00 am |
Legal News
AAN Executive Director Tiffany Shackelford Keynotes 'Hack the Gender Gap' Eventnew

The event, produced by MediaShift and West Virginia University, brought together college-aged women to “envision their role and influence in the emerging ‘smart-world’ market” and help them see themselves as entrepreneurs and leaders in journalism and technology.
MediaShift |
04-25-2016 3:00 pm |
Association News
It's All Journalism: Tow Center report unlocks solutions journalism

On this week's It's All Journalism podcast, producer Michael O'Connell talks to Andrea Wenzel, one of the authors of a new report from Columbia University's Tow Center for Digital Journalism: Engaging Communities through Solutions Journalism. They discuss how solutions-oriented stories can better engage local audiences and inspire them to take positive actions in their communities.
It's All Journalism |
04-22-2016 8:00 am |
It's All Journalism
Judge Thinks “Secret” KJ Emails Should See the Light of Day

The judge already ordered hundreds of emails to be released and now SN&R is confident that, nearly a
year after standing up to Kevin Johnson, many of these records will finally become public, and soon.
Sacramento News & Review |
04-21-2016 6:00 pm |
Press Releases
Tags: Sacramento News & Review
Two Santa Barbara Independent Staffers Make E&P '25 Under 35' Listnew

Santa Barbara Independent CFO Brandi Rivera and News Editor Tyler Hayden were recognized in Editor & Publisher's annual "25 Under 35" list.
Editor & Publisher |
04-15-2016 4:40 pm |
Honors & Achievements
It's All Journalism: Transgender coverage beyond Caitlyn Jenner

Sara Morrison talks about how journalists can cover transgender issues in the aftermath of the Caitlyn Jenner story.
It's All Journalism |
04-15-2016 4:35 pm |
It's All Journalism
Labor Looking to Lift “Exempt Employee” Dollar Limits
Ranks of those eligible for minimum wage and time-and-a-half for overtime could swell with anticipated change in Department of Labor definition of “exempt employee”
Kevin M. Goldberg |
04-12-2016 7:00 pm |
Legal News