Judge Thinks “Secret” KJ Emails Should See the Light of Day

april 21, 2016  06:00 pm
Judge Thinks “Secret” KJ Emails Should See the Light of Day
Good news today! It appears that the judge in our case thinks many of the “secret” Kevin Johnson emails should see the light of day. More on that later. The other update: our hearing scheduled for tomorrow has been continued for 30 days.

The judge already ordered hundreds of emails to be released and now SN&R is confident that, nearly a year after standing up to KJ, many of these records will finally become public, and soon. This will be a huge win for freedom of information.

What does this mean for SN&R? It means it's been a long road--and it's not over yet.

So, what's the next step? SN&R and its legal team plans to review the privilege log for the emails in question and request a new hearing in 30 days. We will keep you posted on new developments and as always, we are confident in our argument and look forward to showing the judge why the remaining secret KJ emails should be made public. (Read more about this here.)

No matter what happens in thirty days, the good news is that, thanks to the support of our community, we at SN&R feel that we've already won. When this legal battle began, the city and Mayor Johnson withheld more than 500 emails and records from the public. But because SN&R stood up to KJ--and because our readers and the community had our back--Johnson's attorneys handed over more than 400 records and emails.

That's a success.

But, while KJ has been aided by lawyers who work pro bono, SN&R still faces steep legal bills. We appreciate every penny, dime and dollar the community has donated over the last eight months. Every contribution, big or small, has helped--and will continue to help us as we move forward.

SN&R is committed to free speech, investigative journalism and serving its readers.

For more information, please contact Rachel Leibrock, Editor, (916) 498-1234 ext. 1363, rachell@newsreview.com.