AAN News
Editorial Webinars: Demystifying Polls & Excellent Poll Writing

AAN has partnered with the American Association for Public Opinion Research for two critical presentations on demystifying, and writing about, public opinion polls.
03-16-2012 11:06 am |
Association News
Tags: Editorial
The Media Oxpecker: Creating the Internet We Want

On the Curator's Code, hobo symbols, and making the "web we want."
03-16-2012 3:10 pm |
Media Roundup
Happy Sunshine Week!

AAN is proud to be an official partner of Sunshine Week 2012, a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information.
03-12-2012 4:37 pm |
Association News
Tags: Editorial
How 3 Democratic Operatives & an Alt-Weekly Reporter Brought Down South Carolina Lt. Gov. Ken Ardnew

Appearing before a judge last Friday, a tearful Ken Ard said, "I stand here humbled, apologetic, and, your Honor, there are so many people I need to apologize to ... I'll be honest, your Honor, I never in a million years imagined I'd be here."
Charleston City Paper |
03-12-2012 10:59 am |
Honors & Achievements
The Media Oxpecker: The Search for a New Business Model

What can alt-weeklies take away from the Pew's report on daily newspapers' (lack of) digital revenue? What does the iPad's "retina display" mean for publishers? Given the ongoing gender disparity in newsrooms, how did NPR become a hotbed for female journalists? And the Oxpecker turns 1.
03-09-2012 2:53 pm |
Media Roundup
Long Island Press Investigation Leads to Indictment of Local Police Officialsnew

A March 2011 cover story questioned whether the Nassau County Police Department gave preferential treatment to donors of a nonprofit police foundation.
Long Island Press |
03-06-2012 3:32 pm |
Honors & Achievements
How Diverse Are Alt-Weekly Feature Writers?new

Shani Hilton takes a look at the gender and racial background of Washington City Paper cover story authors.
Washington City Paper |
03-05-2012 3:15 pm |
Industry News
AAN Launches Content Exchange Platform with Cont3nt.com

The AltWeeklies Content Exchange allows AAN members to collect a stream of video and photo content from their local communities, share content with other weeklies, and giving weeklies the tools to generate a new revenue stream by licensing their media to national and international outlets.
03-02-2012 3:08 pm |
Association News
Sacramento News & Review Lists 'Top 10 Reasons to be Editor-in-Chief'new

Sacramento News & Review founding editor Melinda Welsh is stepping down from her post and to help find a replacement, her staff has put together the "Top 10 Reasons to be Editor-in-Chief."
Sacramento News & Review |
03-02-2012 8:30 am |
Press Releases
Seattle Weekly Editor Wins Thoroughbred Writing Awardnew

Seattle Weekly editor Mike Seely has been named as the recipient of the Washington State Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association's Mark Kaufman Media Award.
VVM Corporate Blog |
02-27-2012 4:31 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Developer Arrested for Assaulting Daughter of Independent Weekly Publishers

The daughter of Independent Weekly (Lafayette, La.) publishers Steve May and Cherry Fisher May was reportedly punched and knocked unconscious by a local developer who has been engaged in an ongoing dispute with the paper over its coverage of a state property tax loophole.
The Independent Weekly |
02-24-2012 1:05 pm |
Industry News
The Media Oxpecker: In Defense of Aggregation
The newsonomics of hyperlocal; putting the "non" in non-profit news; and the huge chasm between where we spend our time and where advertisers are spending their money.
02-24-2012 3:45 pm |
Media Roundup
Halifax Mayor Retires in Wake of Investigation by The Coastnew

A 5,000-word investigative piece by The Coast's Tim Bousquet questioned the role of Halifax mayor Peter Kelly as executor of a family friend's will.
The Globe and Mail |
02-23-2012 3:40 pm |
Industry News
Jonathan Gold Leaving L.A. Weekly for L.A. Times

Pulitzer Prize-winning restaurant critic Jonathan Gold is leaving the L.A. Weekly for the Los Angeles Times.
02-21-2012 11:49 am |
Industry News
The Media Oxpecker: Pew Digital Advertising Report 'Unsurprising but Damning'

What can we learn from the Pew Research Center's report on Digital Advertising and News? A Women's Media Center report reminds us that media is overwhelmingly male, and getting maler. And get ready for the Tablet Generation.
02-17-2012 3:33 pm |
Media Roundup