AAN News
"Junk" Fax Rule Pointers
Alice Neff Lucan |
12-14-2004 3:06 pm |
Legal News
Offshore Gambling Ads a Bad Bet
Alice Neff Lucan |
09-24-2004 10:41 am |
Legal News
Overtime for Journalists? It Depends.
Alice Neff Lucan |
09-07-2004 1:34 pm |
Legal News
Tags: Financial, Management
Protecting AAN Members' Ad Content on the Web
Alice Neff Lucan |
08-24-2004 3:19 pm |
Legal News
Tags: Classified Advertising, Management
Vince Foster Photo Decision Narrowly Protects Privacy
Alice Neff Lucan |
04-01-2004 12:12 pm |
Legal News
Using Someone Else's Art
Alice Neff Lucan |
12-04-2003 12:51 am |
Legal News
Tags: Design & Production, Editorial
How "Do Not Call" Affects AAN Papers
Alice Neff Lucan |
08-08-2003 4:16 pm |
Legal News
Trademarks Don’t Imprison Words
Alice Neff Lucan |
05-29-2003 11:00 am |
Association News
Warning: Check the Copyright!
The ins and outs of public domain
Alice Neff Lucan |
10-18-2002 1:21 pm |
Legal News
Tags: Alice Neff Lucan
Texas Satire Case Leaves Writers Exposed

"At the mercy of the humorless reader"
Alice Neff Lucan |
06-26-2002 11:33 am |
Association News
Tags: Dallas Observer
Lucan Advises on Web Use of Images [members only]
Alice Neff Lucan |
04-08-2002 10:50 am |
Association News
Tags: Alice Neff Lucan
Is This the Demise of Open Government?
AAN Attorney Alice Neff Lucan looks at efforts by many state legislatures to roll back Sunshine Laws. Her conclusion is that these laws and legislative efforts are troubling but not yet the end of Freedom of Information as we know it. Her advice: ask who's been requesting government information and being denied, then publish that information. "If you don't tell them about access, how is anyone to know or care?" she asks.
Alice Neff Lucan |
01-23-2002 11:29 am |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial, Alice Neff Lucan
In the Wake of Tasini
How alt pubs should get their freelance house in order
Alice Neff Lucan |
09-27-2001 7:47 am |
Association News