AAN News
Pittsburgh City Paper Launches Monthly Comics Journalism Featurenew

"I'm interested in stories about people whose voices aren't often heard."
Pittsburgh City Paper |
04-29-2015 12:55 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Pittsburgh City Paper
Ben Joravsky: Covering City Hall From the Outside

Throughout his career, Ben Joravsky has worked to illuminate issues affecting Chicagoans. In his award-winning political column for the Chicago Reader, The Works, he explains how the city treats certain individuals, shedding light on the larger schemes of government. This is the 27th in a "How I Got That Story" series highlighting the AltWeekly Awards' first-place winners.
Charlie Deitch |
12-15-2005 6:31 pm |
Association News
Andrew Wheat: Following the Corporate Money

U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay probably rues the day that Andrew Wheat first laid hands on a spreadsheet. Wheat's research at the liberal think tank Texans for Public Justice informs the political columns he writes for The Texas Observer. His award-winning columns followed the money corporations donated to a political action committee to places it perhaps ought not to have been going. This is the 18th in a "How I Got That Story" series highlighting the AltWeekly Awards' first-place winners.
Charlie Deitch |
11-23-2005 5:57 pm |
Association News
The Listings Calendar: Alts' Mainstay Faces Stiff Competition

Hartford Advocate Editor Alistair Highet calls the listings calendar his paper's "universal point of interest." The calendar is -- and long has been -- indispensable for most alt-weeklies, attracting readers who don't necessarily agree with a paper's perceived political stance. But the marketplace is increasingly crowded with online and print publications listing concerts and theater times. Freelance reporter Charlie Deitch speaks with AAN members to find out what they're doing to fend off competitors' attempts to infringe on the alts' longtime stronghold.
Charlie Deitch |
01-05-2005 12:29 pm |
Industry News
Election Coverage Aims to Inspire the Young to Vote

Even resource-strapped smaller AAN papers are working hard to bring national election issues down to the local level. They encourage the participation of first-time voters with newspaper-sponsored voter registration drives and humorous presentations of election material. At AAN papers with larger staffs, more resources are devoted to following the candidates and digging up scandals. The Memphis Flyer and other AAN papers have broken stories that the mainstream media had to follow up on.
Charlie Deitch |
06-21-2004 10:09 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial
Half of AAN Papers Publish Exclusive Story

In mid-April, editors of AAN papers waited in suspense to see a promised story discussing a memo by a U.S. official detailed to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. Minutes before 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 20, the investigative piece by reporter Jason Vest was posted to the Web sites of two papers, The Village Voice and The Boston Phoenix. Over the following hours and days, AAN papers from New Haven, Conn., to Mill Valley, Calif., also published the story, in print, on the Web, or both. Alerted to the article by blogs, readers rushed to alt-weeklies' Web sites in droves.
Charlie Deitch |
05-12-2004 1:08 pm |
Industry News
Web Turns Some Alt-Weeklies into Dailies

Reporters with a great scoop no longer have to sit tight trying not to burst while they wait for the next week’s paper to roll out, freelance writer Charlie Deitch reports for AAN News. It’s possible to publish online 24/7. Several AAN papers are moving away from the static Web site that remains the same for seven days and then has its contents refreshed all at once. A few alt-weeklies post new material daily, and others turn first to the Web whenever they’ve got an especially hot story.
Charlie Deitch |
03-18-2004 6:50 pm |
Industry News