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AltWeekly Awards
2009 Arts Criticism Above 50,000
1st Place: Pine of the Times, Sheet Smart, and Pain by Numbers by Jeffry Cudlin , Washington City Paper
2nd Place: Kill One for the Gipper, What We Learned about the Election in This Summer's Movies, and Deep Freeze
by J. Hoberman
The Village Voice
3rd Place: Benjamin Button, Diary of the Dead, and The Visitor
by Scott Foundas
L.A. Weekly
Honorable Mention: From Reverence to Rape, Waugh and Remembrance, and Was Roman Polanski a Pedophile?
by Ella Taylor
L.A. Weekly
2009 Arts Criticism Below 50,000
1st Place: Not as They Seem, Branching Out and Everything Is Illuminated by Meisha Rosenberg , Metroland
2nd Place: Kipper Kids, El Greco and USPO
by Amy White
3rd Place: So This Is My Life . . .
by Charles Maldonado
Metro Pulse
2009 Arts Feature Above 50,000
1st Place: No Exit Plan and The Life and Death of JT Leroy by Nancy Rommelman , L.A. Weekly
2nd Place: Life Without A Script
by Anne Ford
Chicago Reader
3rd Place: A Picture of Hope
by Jason Harper
The Pitch
2009 Arts Feature Below 50,000
1st Place: Lowbrow Genius by Coury Turczyn , Metro Pulse
2nd Place: Magical Misery Tour
by Jeff Prince
Fort Worth Weekly
3rd Place: Unlock & Roll
by Curtis Cartier
Good Times Santa Cruz
2009 Food Writing Above 50,000
1st Place: Breaking Free, Keep on Trucking and A Proper Brasserie by Jonathan Gold , L.A. Weekly
2nd Place: The Pope of Pork
by Kristen Hinman
Riverfront Times
3rd Place: Spam: It's not just for Inboxes, With Honeycrisp's Patent and Manny's Attempts to Raise the Steaks
by Rachel Hutton
City Pages (Twin Cities)
2009 Food Writing Below 50,000
1st Place: The Jester’s Quest by Christina Waters , Good Times Santa Cruz
2nd Place: Spit Fire Flavor
by Mark C Anderson
Monterey County Weekly
3rd Place: Fast Approaching, Chase the Dragon and Peanut Gallery
by A. Qasimi
Santa Fe Reporter