Three More Alt Weeklies Join SelectAlternatives
5,862,000 page views in January
february 1, 2007 05:32 pm
The Memphis Flyer, Willamette Week and Independent Weekly (Durham, NC) are the latest AAN papers to offer their readers Sutcliffe Associates' SelectAlternatives online/print personals product. The three papers expect to launch their SelectAlternatives sites later this month.
Twenty-three AAN papers now utilize the SelectAlternatives personals web/print/phone system.
January ‘07 saw the highest web traffic to date. The launched papers combined for over 151,000 unique visitors, 469,000 visits and 5,862,000 page views. On average, each visitor looked at 12.5 pages per visit.
A virtual tour of SelectAlternatives can be found at
Andy Sutcliffe 520-631-6586