'The 11th Hour': A Fount of Vital Information

Maui Time | August 15, 2007
The 11th Hour is an essential bookend chapter to An Inconvenient Truth. This global-warming documentary culls information from over 50 experts of many divergent backgrounds to succinctly verbalize the dire crisis of the Earth's ecosystem, and also provide thought-out solutions. Leonardo DiCaprio fits the bill as a likable and concerned narrator for the concise editorial segments that split up the film. Writer/director sister team, Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners, do a great job of covering a lot of weighty ground in a rhythm that doesn't feel rushed. For all of the devastating data about the plight of our forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere, the movie carries significant educational content about our local environment as it connects globally to a world where we are all united. The 11th Hour is a fount of vital information about "our" planet. As with so many current documentaries, this is the stuff we should be watching on television news.

Rated PG, 93 mins. (B+)

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