Salt Lake City Weekly Hires Managing Editor

Jerre Wroble, Salt Lake City Weekly’s copy editor of two years, has been promoted to managing editor.

may 3, 2005  02:11 pm
Salt Lake City Weekly Hires Managing Editor
Wroble earned a journalism degree from the University of Utah. A job opportunity drew her to Anchorage, Alaska, where she served as a technical writer and later a nonprofit communications manager. She later returned to Utah to work in the PR field.

After taking the cure and renouncing her former life as a flack, Wroble returned to alternative journalism (her “real religion”) in 2003, signing on with City Weekly as copy editor. In her new role, Wroble will assist editor Ben Fulton in managing the editorial operations and its staff.

Contact: Jim Rizzi
City Weekly
801-519-9552 (fax)