Phoenix New Times Case Files Unsealed

october 25, 2007  08:40 am
A Maricopa County Superior Court judge yesterday unsealed the grand jury records of the county's investigation of the alt-weekly, which was dropped last Friday. "Not a shred of evidence was ever presented to a single juror, and not a charge was filed," according to the Arizona Republic. The transcripts mirror the story laid out by New Times last week, but there was at least one new detail: After an Oct. 11 hearing, special prosecutor Dennis Wilenchik and New Times reporter Paul Rubin nearly came to blows during a recess. New Times also reports the documents show the county made payments of nearly $2 million to Wilenchik's firm for handling the case. In another story, Wilenchik tells the Republic that while he didn't personally order the arrest of Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin, he had no regrets about it. "They deserved to be arrested," he says. "I don't have a problem with their arrest."