Order to Arrest VVM Executives Came from Special Prosecutor's Office

october 29, 2007  01:48 pm
Special prosecutor Dennis Wilenchik has previously said that he did not know who sent Maricopa County sheriff's deputies to pick up Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin earlier this month after they revealed the Phoenix New Times was the target of a grand jury probe. But on Friday, a police spokesman said that the arrests were ordered by M. Rob Somers, an attorney at Wilenchik's firm and one of four attorneys at the firm deputized by County Attorney Andrew Thomas to be special prosecutors, the East Valley Tribune reports. "Is Wilenchik the Sgt. Schultz of the Arizona bar?," asks New Times' Stephen Lemons, referring to the famed Hogan's Heroes character. "He knows noth-ink, NOTH-INK about what's going on in his own office with highly-paid attorneys under his direction?"