Memphis Flyer Editor Resigns

Dennis Freeland will continue to write for local publications.

may 25, 2000  11:49 am
At the Memphis Flyer, Dennis Freeland has decided to step down from his position as editor of the paper, it was announced yesterday. Freeland plans to continue writing for the paper and pursue other journalistic projects.

Ken Neill, CEO and Publisher of Flyer parent company Contemporary Media, said the veteran editor would continue to write for each of the company's publications, including the Flyer and the city monthly Memphis magazine. Freeland's decision to remain in journalism pleases Neill, who said he is "one of the best, if not the best, sports writers in this market."

Until a replacement is found, Freeland will continue as the paper's editor. Neill said Freeland suffered a stroke last year that required several months of convalescence and convinced him to seek a less stressful position.

"This decision was mine," Freeland stated in a news release. "It was very personal and it was very difficult, but I think the paper could use new leadership and vision. I am looking forward to having more time to spend with my family and more time to write."

In the eight years since Freeland became editor, The Flyer has grown from a 36-page entertainment weekly to an 80- to 100-page general interest alternative newspaper with a 55,000 circulation.

Neill said he is sorry to see Freeland leave his post, but he is enthusiastic about finding the right candidate as a replacement.

"We're considering anybody and everybody [for the position]," Neill said. "We think this is a great opportunity for us to do a complete and full search."