July AAN CAN Contest Winner Enjoys New York

december 2, 2005  03:42 pm
July AAN CAN Contest Winner Enjoys New York
Marc Desilets playing music with his metal band Ash Black
Marc Desilets, the senior classified sales representative at Tucson Weekly, collected his AAN CAN prize and traveled to New York City over the Thanksgiving holiday. Desilets won the three-night trip for two by selling $43,095 in national ads during the summer 2005 AAN CAN contest.

"To win the New York trip, I hit up more people for a national ad than I would have on a regular basis," Desilets said. "It became the first thing on my mind."

Desilets and his wife, Noel, received airfare, hotel accommodations at the Soho Grand and a $3,000 prepaid Mastercard. He claims that they "didn't do too much. It was a slow week due to the Thanksgiving holiday." However, he does admit to visiting Times Square and to "closing down" a bar in Greenwich Village. "We loved New York," Desilets said.

AAN is currently running an AAN CAN contest in which the prize is a trip to Peru. For more information, click here.