Jen Sorensen Gets James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism

april 9, 2010  09:45 am
Cartoonist and illustrator Jen Sorensen, whose "Slowpoke" comic strip graces the pages of several alt-weeklies, will receive a James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism -- specifically, the Cartooning with a Conscience Award -- next month. The Aronson award honors "journalism that measures business, governmental and social affairs against clear ideals of the common good," and Sorensen will be the first woman to receive the cartooning award. "Word that I'd won the award came at a time when I was feeling distressed about the future of political cartoons and news media in general, so it was very much a welcome ray of sunlight," she says. "Being the first female cartoonist to share this particular honor with the likes of Tom Tomorrow and Steve Brodner is especially cool."