It Warms Hearts

Maui Time | September 11, 2006
“Everyone’s Hero” was Christopher Reeve’s final film project and the simple story of a little boy who risks everything to restore order to his family’s depression era existence is a well tempered and heartwarming animated children’s movie. Christened “Yankee,” after the baseball team for whom his father works as a custodian, our 10-year-old “hero” is an enthusiastic baseball fan whose abilities with a bat don’t quite measure up to his celebrated name. When Yankee’s dad is fired because the great Babe Ruth’s baseball bat Darlin’ (voiced by Whoopi Goldberg) is missing from the clubhouse, Yankee hits the road to retrieve the stolen bat. Yankee gets more than a few life lessons on a journey that takes him to Chicago where Babe and the Yankees are playing out the 1932 World Series. William H. Macy, Rob Reiner, Joe Torre, and the late Dana Reeve lend their voices to the film’s colorful characters.

Rated G, 88 mins. (B)

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