Diversity Grant Deadline October 26
Second round of grants to be announced in November
By AAN Staff
october 22, 2001 11:53 am
AAN members have until October 26 to submit applications for the second round of Diversity Internship grants.
AAN created the program earlier this year to help alternative weeklies hire and train top-quality minority journalists. Grants were awarded for Summer interns to OC Weekly and Artvoice.
In making its selections for the next two grants, AAN's Diversity Committee will consider the financial and diversity needs of the applying papers as well as qualifications of the interns.
Grant winners will be announced in November 2001.
Members can apply by completing an AAN application form and submitting the intern’s name and writing samples. Application forms can be obtained on the AAN Web site [download
Application and
Rules About the Program] or by contacting AAN at 202-822-1955.