Daily Editor Attempts to Silence San Diego CityBeat
By AAN Staff
june 18, 2003 02:39 pm
Bob Kittle, editorial page editor of
the San Diego Union-Tribune, claims he
had never seen the 10-month-old AAN
paper when he learned CityBeat Editor
David Rolland would be appearing on a
local NPR "Editor's Roundtable"
alongside him. Directed to
CityBeat’s Web site, Kittle was shocked to
find profanity -- so shocked, in
fact, that he tried unsuccessfully to get
Rolland kicked off the radio program, on
which Kittle is a regular pundit.
"CityBeat is not journalism. It’s
trash," Kittle wrote in a letter to radio
station KPBS. In this week’s CityBeat,
Rolland responds that Kittle’s real intent
was to "limit the range of debate" in San
which he says, "has been too narrow ...
for too long."