Columbus Alive Launches Spanish-Language Section

Column, advertising reaches city's fastest-growing ethnic group

january 25, 2002  04:21 pm
Columbus Alive Launches Spanish-Language Section
With its January 24 edition, Columbus Alive kicked off a new Spanish-language section that will appear monthly in the alternative newspaper. The section features “Noticias,” a column by journalist German Trejo-Caballero (published in both Spanish and English) and Spanish-language advertising.

“Part of Columbus Alive’s mission is to embrace new ideas, support diversity, provide an open-minded forum for dialogue and a voice for the disenfranchised,” editor Brian Lindamood wrote in an introduction to the new coverage that was also published in Spanish and English. “This isn’t just about delivering news to new Columbus residents who perhaps don’t speak English; it’s also about exposing our traditional readers to the city’s growing Latino community.”

Columbus is home to approximately 60,000 Latinos, the city’s fastest-growing ethnic group in the last decade.

“La ventana al mundo de la diversidad cultural se ha abierto para esta ciudad,” Trejo-Caballero wrote in his January 24 column. “The window to a world of cultural diversity has been opened for this city.”

Founded in 1983, Columbus Alive is central Ohio’s only independent weekly and is known for providing a forum for the area's free thinkers. The paper's comprehensive arts and entertainment coverage and relentless investigative reporting earned first-place awards each of the last five years from the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists, in 2001 for Best Coverage of the Environment.